‘Train the Trainer’ Webinar Series
This interactive, four-part plastics training webinar series supports customers who provide company-wide employee training. Please check our schedule of upcoming webinars – or contact us if you'd like to participate.
(45 minutes)
Plastics Online Training – Affordable, On-Demand Training Solutions
This session looks at the many challenges companies face regarding employee development, covering:
- Why employees and companies benefit with Routsis’s Online Training
- How you can train anytime, anywhere with Routsis’s Online Training
- How you can train in multiple locations
- What’s involved in setting up your own dedicated training portal
- The ease of administrating and customizing online training
- Why Routsis’s online training is the fastest way to develop skills and maintain knowledge
(30 minutes)
Developing Your In-House Training Plan
This presentation helps you customize a training plan specific to your organization, including:
- Determining who should be trained
- Specifying training to job functions
- Preparing training for advancement
- Building a training plan
(30 minutes)
Implementing and Monitoring a Successful In-Plant Training Program
This presentation shows you how to develop a plan of action to ensure your training succeeds, including:
- Preparing to train your employees
- Launching your training initiative
- Proper delegation of training responsibilities
- Maintaining the training to ensure success
(30 minutes)
Monitoring Real-World Training Metrics for Managers
This webinar guides you in selecting appropriate metrics to gauge the effectiveness of your training, covering:
- The importance of tracking metrics
- Case studies of our customers
- Common metrics improved by training
- Specifying metrics for your organization
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