Customer Case Study #2
Company Name:
Harrington Corp.
Number of Machines:
- 10
- 6.5% scrap
- Long cycle times
- Low production capabilities (90,000 lbs/week)
- Increasing market share
- 2 year learning curve for new hires
- Interactive training
- Simulation software
- Focused on-the-job training
Number of Employees Involved:
- Over 75
Immediate Improvements:
- Morale boost
- Eagerness to perform better
- Increased confidence
- 65% reduction in scrap (6.5 to 2.3%)
- Decreased cycle times
- Higher production capabilities (90,000 to 150,000 lbs/week)
- 30% cycle time improvement
- Less than 6 month learning curve for new hires
Future Improvements:
- Continued improvement
Would you Recommend Routsis to Another Company?
- We always do. Recommended and included other departments within our company.
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